Vintage Nautical Decor Ideas

Do you always hear the call of the sea? No worries, missing the calming breeze of the ocean is totally normal. Thankfully, there is no need to travel miles and miles away just to get the feel of living near the waters because even in the heart of the city, you can still enjoy the nautical dream.

How, you might ask? Well, start by transforming your space into a maritime paradise! With the right colour schemes, combinations, and decorative pieces, you will be able to live your life like a true lover of the seas.

So without further ado, let us get you started with the perfect antique nautical decor to liven up your living space.

5 Must-Have Antique Nautical Decor Pieces

  1. Vintage mirrors – These mirrors usually come in colours or brass with its paint appearing to be chipping off. Stories about sailors and pirates usually talk about gold, but it is also filled with tales of forgotten legends and deep sea secrets. Antique mirrors are perfect if you are looking for a vintage nautical bathroom decor.
  2. Boat figurines – Nothing else screams maritime like boat figures on your table tops and shelves because what else could these sea vessels mean? You can choose pirate ships, classic fishing boats, and even sail boats to decorate your nautical themed bedroom. Another nautical themed bedroom idea for when getting boat figures is to buy one that is encased in glass bottles. It is a classic mix of ships and the trope of floating bottles with lost letters inside.
  3. Compass decors – One of the obvious tells of a nautical themed space is the presence of compass decors. Whether they are in the form of paintings, carvings, or actual real-life compass accessories, you will always find them in a room that is full of boats, pirate ships, and maritime life. Compasses also fit right in as an authentic nautical decor piece.
  4. Ship’s steering wheel – Spotting one of these classic webbed shape ship steering wheels will make anyone go “aye, aye, captain!” To commandeer this thing is every child’s dream and of course, every ocean lover’s goal. Since you cannot always go out to sail at sea, keeping your own decorative steering wheel is a good alternative. This also makes for a pleasant vintage nautical wall decor.
  5. Vintage world map – This is one of the most popular decorative pieces you will find in nautical themed places. No doubt that it will inspire and motivate you to start a treasure hunt of your own! The vintage world map can be framed and hung on your bedroom walls. Besides being a decorative piece, you can also make it an interactive display as you mark places that you have already visited in the world.

It is not that complicated to transform your area into a nautical themed living space. Trust us when we say you are not alone with this obsession. Now that you have an idea of what decors you will need, it’s time to start sailing!